Birding at House on Metolius
The Osprey. Photo by Michael L. Baird.
The Metolius Basin is the home to a wide range of bird species, including the Osprey pictured above. Also know as a sea hawk, this bird will get the attention of any fisherman along the river, as it calmly circles and hunts fish. The fish, in turn, respond by staying under banks and bridges, at least in part to avoid being an osprey's supper.
On the water, you will often see the Canadian geese and also Mallard ducks. If you have a little patience and a little luck, you may also spot Barrow's goldeneye.
Barrow's goldeneye is a more uncommon sight on the Metolius.
Woodpeckers are numerous in the basin. One of our favorites is the White-headed woodpecker, which make its home in the areas around the House on Metolius cabins... and has a habit of adding holes in the walls, from time to time.
The white-headed woodpecker.
These are only a few of the many feathered residents—we look forward to adding more birds to our blog over the course of the summer.
Hope we see you on the Metolius!